Lorenzo Gaston, Technical Director, Smart Payment Association
Lorenzo Gaston is the Technical Director of Smart Payment Association (SPA). The primary purpose of the SPA Technical Director is to assist in the coordination and alignment of technical activities for the organization, to contribute technical expertise, innovation capability and field experience in the area of payment technology in standardization bodies.
Lorenzo Gaston has been actively contributing to Smart Payment Association technical activities for the last four years. Lorenzo is the Spoke Person representing the Vendors sector in the EPSG which objective is to create a set of standards needed to implement SEPA for cards. SPA is also chairing the EPC Innovative Payment Channels Workgroup mandated to produce the functional and security requirements for mobile, remote and internet payments.
Lorenzo has an extensive experience and track record in international standard organizations and regulatory bodies, as a renowned contributor as well as a recognized advisor, in particular in the domains related to smart devices, payment and security.

Stéphanie de Labriolle,Secretariat & Marketing, Smart Payment Association
Stéphanie de Labriolle runs the Operations and Marketing of the Smart Payment Association (SPA) - the trade organization of the smart payments industry – supporting member interests and helping to shape the future of payment.
Stéphanie represents the SPA in the DG-FISMA Payment Services Market Expert Group (PSMEG), which objective is to advise the Commission in the area of payments and to assist the Commission in the preparation of legislative acts or policy initiatives regarding payments, including fraud prevention issues related to payment industry and users.
Prior to this, Stephanie has held several Global Marketing & Communication Director roles within several blue chip, private sector and non-profit B‐2‐B companies. As Director of Marketing & Communication at DeLaRue, Oberthur, Mobileway (today Sybase365), SIMalliance and Ingenico, she has implemented and managed the companies’ global market and brand strategies in both Europe, USA and Asia.
Stephanie holds a License d'Anglais (BA English Literature) from the University of Montpellier (France) and a BA(Hons) in European Business with German from the Nottingham Trent University (UK).