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SPA - Liaisons


EPSG Vendors Sector

SPA is a Founding Member of the European Payments Sector Group (EPSG) and the Spokesperson of the Vendors Sector, now unilaterally recognized as the de-facto European Standardization body for retail payment instruments and responsible for contributing to the market integration objectives set out by the SEPA for payments program. As a result, the EPSG is responsible for maintenance of the SEPA Payments Standardization Volume (the Volume) – a multi part standard specifying functionality, security and certification requirements for retail payment instruments.


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SPA - eurosmart

Eurosmart, Associate Member

Smart Payment Association (SPA) is an Associate Member of Eurosmart, an international association representing the smart security industry for multi-sector applications committed to expanding the world’s smart secure devices market, promoting smart security standards and continuously improving quality and security of applications and services.



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SPA - PCI Participating Organization

PCI, Participating Organization


The PCI Security Standards Council is an open global forum, launched in 2006, that is responsible for the development, management, education, and awareness of the PCI Security Standards, including the Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS), and PIN Transaction Security (PTS) requirements.

The Council's five founding global payment brands -- American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard, and Visa Inc. -- have agreed to incorporate the PCI DSS as the technical requirements of each of their data security compliance programs. Each founding member also recognizes the QSAs, PA-QSAs and ASVs certified by the PCI Security Standards Council.


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SPA - EMVCo Subscriber

EMVCo Subscriber

Smart Payment Association is an EMVCo Subscriber.

EMVCo exists to facilitate worldwide interoperability and acceptance of secure payment transactions. It accomplishes this by managing and evolving the EMV® Specifications and related testing processes. This includes, but is not limited to, card and terminal evaluation, security evaluation, and management of interoperability issues. Today there are EMV Specifications based on contact chip, contactless chip, common payment application (CPA), card personalisation, and tokenisation.

This work is overseen by EMVCo’s six member organisations—American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, UnionPay, and Visa—and supported by dozens of banks, merchants, processors, vendors and other industry stakeholders who participate as EMVCo Associates.


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IFSF - International Forecourt Standard Forum, Partner Organization

IFSF is a community dedicated to enabling technology standards for the benefit of retailers of automotive fuel and energy.
Our approach is to collaborate with other standards organisations and relevant institutions to achieve common standards for interoperability of forecourt and convenience devices and services. The IFSF depends on support from retailers, suppliers and other industry stakeholders who contribute to and benefit from shared standards.



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