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SPA, Endorsing Organization of The Mobile Payments Market Guide 2012 published by The Paypers

Smart payment association - article blog


INSIGHTS IN THE WORLDWIDE MOBILE FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKET - The Paypers (, the leading independent provider of news and analyses for the global financial services industry, is currently developing a comprehensive initiative focused on the global mobile financial services industry – the Mobile Payments Market Guide 2012.


The upcoming Mobile Payments Market Guide 2012, which will hit the market at the end of March 2012, aims to provide a wide-scale overview of the global m-payments market, mapping out on-going initiatives, success stories and industry players, be they MNOs, banks, technology providers, phone manufacturers and payment processors.


Moreover, the Mobile Payments Market Guide 2012 will feature valuable insight from key players in the banking & telecom industry, retailers and standardization bodies. The Guide will have a three-part structure, with Part 1 dedicated to insight from industry stakeholders and associations involved in the global mobile payments ecosystem in. Part 2 is a section dedicated to regional (per continents) initiatives in the field of mobile financial services, while Part 3 will present in-depth company profiles mapping out over 150 key players in the global mobile money industry.


Smart Payment Association will contribute with highly valuable industry insight to the Mobile Payments Market Guide 2012, alongside SIMalliance, Mobey Forum and Efma, making the Guide one of the must-have publications of 2012 in the field of mobile financial services.


To learn more about this initiative, please visit the dedicated Mobile Payments Market Guide 2012 webpage ( or else send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Smart payment association - article blog