Private Label Payment Solutions - A White Paper by SPA - November 2011

The demand for Private Label payment solutions is increasing, and as a result there is a growing need for clarification of this complex topic. This white paper will help decision makers in the payment industry better understand Private Label and the new horizons it opens.
The interest in Private Label schemes comes from both established and new players in the payment industry. On the one hand, financial institutions are looking for more flexibility and dedicated solutions for their needs and their markets. On the other hand, new entrants from retail, transport, mobile network and the entertainment sectors want to offer solutions to their customers by bundling existing services with a new payment instrument.
In this White Paper the Smart Payment Association (SPA) outlines the different implementation options available for Private Label payment solutions, evaluates the existing models, and identifies all stakeholders involved. Guidance and tools for institutions looking to implement a Private Label payment system are also provided. The SPA focuses on smart card based solutions only, as these incorporate the security standards which today apply for secure payment transactions.
Various implementation options are possible, from the fully proprietary to solutions that use established technology and existing standards. None of the solutions described in this White Paper is superior to another; the decision as to which solution to use will depend on the business case, and the needs of the project initiator and their customers.
11-11-15 WP SPA Advanced Payment WG PrivateLabel EN Final.pdf