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RECORDING & PRESENTATION AVAILABLE! Web Seminar: The Instant Payment Card Proposal - July 2020

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Web Seminar Recording: The Instant Payment Card Proposal - July 2020

How an Instant Payment Card would extend SEPA instant Credit Transfer functionality to consumers paying at point of sale (POS) terminals in stores and retail outlets across Europe.

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Instant Payments at the Point of Sale - Looking at opportunities for the Forecourt Retailer - October 2019

 Instant Payments Forecourt s

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Payment Standards - Biometrics - Instant Payments - Trustech - SPA Workgroups Program - November 2018


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Evaluating Instant Payments from a Card Industry perspective


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The Paypers releases B2B Fintech: Payments, Supply Chain Finance & E-invoicing Guide 2018 - SPA Editorial Partner

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Instant Payments Summit 2017, SPA Supporting Organization  

We are proud to introduce world’s first dedicated Instant Payments Summit. Real Payments is real - 2017 has been be dubbed as the “Year of Instant digital Payments” and this event comes very timely especially for Banks, Merchants and Payment Service Providers (PSPs). This unique initiative supported by Nets A/s will be presented by some of the industry’s leading thought leaders and domain experts who will bring vital insights from live implementations and could help you drive your own Instant payments initiative.

For more info please stay tuned at



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Instant Payment Systems Security - An SPA Paper - April 2017

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